
Man who talks to bees wants to change the way we think about 3D printing | PC Gamer - trempermorstraut

Piece who dialogue to bees wants to change the way we think about 3D printing process

Bees! Beeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
(Image credit: Pixabay; PatoSan)

Polish jeweller MichaƂ Baran has some beautiful far-out ideas for the future of 3D printing. He's expended the last 30 years thinking up a much faster solution than our current methods. And the result of three decades of musing? Just about tiny foam impression tests that look a bit like flubber.

In its current figure—dish soap and UV resin—information technology may non seem like much, but there's certainly potential for future lotion. In construction for example, if this process was occluded with the right technology (so much as that in the video below), entire buildings could beryllium constructed in a matter of hours.

The guys Hackaday project looks like it could exist the inspiration of some mad scientist, but Baran's conversation with Fabbaloo relieved me of that notion arsenic I read astir the projects humble beginnings:

"Once upon a time I met a bumblebee" Baran told Fabbaloo, and the bee told him this...

"Bro, finally someone sincerely asks us about it! The do is very simple: start comparing how we, birds, trees and intoxicatingly better-looking dolphins are different from the things you humans make… Note that we are mostly made of nothing, the main ingredients are air and water system… Fop! Your body is also built that way! Never draw a blank that you yourself are the best model for what you'atomic number 75 doing. In addition, find our topology! This is crucial! Proper topology is key to everything. You won't find a ace point, straight descent surgery right lean on anywhere in nature. So wherefore you even draw these wickedness?! The effects of human activities are like a genus Cancer against the reality that surrounds you. Change it!"

The bee continues, 'Why are these skyscrapers are thusly silly shapes? Why don't they look like redwoods or termite mounds? Look! Their females are then beautiful, rounded—why do they force back them to sleep in hideous, cusped houses?! What is going on here connected this Earth?!"

This was the conversation that took place to change Baran's perspective on expression methods, and it birthed the conception of his foamy printing solution. The result is a 'Photopolymer Effervesce' that is dispensed using a froth cannon, then excited aside UV radiation to harden information technology. This means no layering awake, and faster production times could be achieved.

Sadly we have not located the Bee to confirm this conversation happened, but we will continue to keep an eye out for him. He was last seen wearing dark and yellow, and mumbling about the downfall of humanity.

Katie Wickens

Screw sports, Katie would rather determine Intel, AMD and Nvidia perish at IT. She can often be found loving AI advancements, sighing over semiconductors, Beaver State gawping at the latest GPU upgrades. She's been obsessed with computers and graphics since she was small, and took Game Fine art and Design capable Edgar Lee Masters floor at uni. Her thirst for preposterous Raspberry Pi projects will never be satiated, and she will stop at nothing to disperse internet safe awareness—fine-tune with the hackers.


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